Jul 11, 2013

"Also I don't care about like fashion and shit"

If you somewhat keep up with my blog or even fuck with me in real life then you know I'm not a normal teenager. So of course the first interview I did with an artist for this blog definitely couldn't just be some normal shit, or any normal artist for that matter. That said, meet Donny Oh. I discovered this kid on Twitter, he came up in my "Who to Follow" suggestions mad long ago, which is basically Twitter's way of tailoring your followings based on users you follow already. Anyway, he's a really chill guy from Brooklyn who tweets about everyday shit, his opinions on music and life, and the occasional epiphany or rant. Also he's mad smart (he got accepted into Carnegie Mellon and graduated from high school at 17). So basically we got a modern day triple threat on our hands. From listening to some of the other stuff he's dropped over the past few months, I could see that he had a great deal of promise. I remember putting my best friend on to his music back at school and her being like "yeah, he's got flow". I also find it really cool that other accredited music blogs picked up on his shit, so I wanted to post something in honor of his first EP dropping, and also that way in the future I can say I was a day one fan, is that even a term? Probably not. Clearly great stuff lies ahead for this kid, in his own words, he's "not another Internet fuckboy swag rapper talking about molly margielas and money"I asked Donny a couple questions and that he answer them in 140 characters or less, so it's a twintterview, get it... lololololol, aight read on.

1. Why'd you start rapping? 
I felt like I had potential to be good at it; and I love music, and why not create something that I love?
2. The meaning behind "Stuffed Shells"
I posted a picture of some stuffed shells that were good as fuck on Instagram and Nate (friend of his) said that should be the title. It sounds cool too.
3. Next year at this time you'll be… 
Hopefully chillen gearing up to drop another EP and perform at Afropunk, time will tell tho
4. Rappers you'd collaborate with?
Earl Sweatshirt, Eli, YannO, Capital Steez,
MF DOOM, Tyler, the Creator, Chester Watson
5. Best/favorite social network + why
Tumblr - idk, you can basically post anything and
there are cool pictures and attractive females on there.
6. Yeezus, The Gifted, Born Sinner, or Holy Grail?
Watching Movies With the Sound Off
7. Best possible outcome of this tape.
People say whoa this kid is good as fuck wow let me show this to my friends and niggas play my music on the way to school and stuff.
8. Why are you different than other teenage rappers?
I can actually rap, and I'm creative. Also I don't care about like fashion and shit nor do I hang out in SoHo.
9.  Is hip hop dead/did it ever die?
Nah hip hop isn't dead it's just not on the radio.
10. Advice to ur future self
Don't rock leather pants and pop molly and don't get anyone pregnant. And save money and stay true to yourself.
11. Last words about your first EP
This shit hot as fuck bruh

Here's a video for one of the tracks off the EP, listen, share, and download his new shit here.


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