Mar 21, 2011


some people may call it an obsession, i guess in some ways that's what it was and i don't even know why i loved it so much-- actually i kind of do, i just really enjoyed seeing all the dope pictures and following these cool people and being able to scroll for hours on end, oh btw i'm talking about my love for Tumblr which recently ended once one of my best friends convinced me that it was about time for me to get rid of it. it was taking over honestly like, it sounds stupid, it's just a website but it was like a drug and once i logged on and started scrolling i just couldn't stop, reblog after reblog and post after post i accumulated a maximum of about 1,905 followers and over 17,000 posts. i was really proud of it too but it wasn't like what i do on this blog where i'd post pictures, music, thoughts, etc. it was just looking at pictures on someone elses's blog, deciding if i liked them then putting it on mine. *BIG SIGH* so yeah, that's why i've been gone for a while. but it's good to be back : )