Jul 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Bill Cosby!

Bill Cosby is no doubt one of the coolest guys to ever grace American television, not only was he smart and funny, but super talented as well. Last summer I remember spending hours at a time watching back to back episodes of The Cosby Show. One thing I always really liked about him was his ability to prove that before the time of reality television, the "sex sells" approach or just bad TV in general, that you could still hold an audience and entertain them without having to err too far from a simple depiction of what everyday life was like. On top of this, before he even took on the role of Cliff Huxtable for the successful eight years ('84-'92) that The Cosby Show aired, he had another show called The Bill Cosby Show. This situational comedy ran for two seasons and with it he became the first African-American to star in his own name-given comedy series. He was also the first African-American to costar on a television drama series (I Spy) which was even earlier in his career. Last but not least that I'll mention of Cosby's creations is Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids which he not only created, but produced, hosted and voiced over as well. When doing a little research on the show I learned the objective behind the episodes was always something educational and he wrote his dissertation on it, which he titled  "An Integration of the Visual Media Via 'Fat Albert And The Cosby Kids' Into the Elementary School Curriculum as a Teaching Aid and Vehicle to Achieve Increased Learning", he received his doctorate from Amherst.

Ok, so enough with the facts, here's the weird part. Yesterday I was thinking about doing a blogpost on Bill Cosby and Mr. Rogers, and started working on one. Then, earlier today I was on the Opening Ceremony blog and learned that it was Giorgio Armani's birthday. So I'm like oh that's cool, I should do a post about a successful celebrity whose birthday it is on my blog in the future. Out of curiosity, I go to look up "july 12th celebrity birthday" and guess whose birthday it is. BILL FUCKING COSBY. I kid you not, the first three or four posts that came up on Google were random blogs and websites sharing their own appreciation for his 76th and I was just like wow the chances of this happening were literally 1 in 365 (.002%). It was pretty cool, so this was basically confirmation for me that him and I are somehow telepathically connected, hence this blog post title! In all seriousness though, Happy Birthday to a great inspiration of mine, hopefully I'll get to meet him one day. (P.S. Below is this button I made for P1N5 a couple months ago.)

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