May 3, 2010

lookbooks and alexachungs.

okay, so i think it's about time to blogg again mainly because PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS CRAP NOW. but it's the GOOD KIND of CRAP not the bad kind. sooo i think i'll talk about my current obssessions ...... readysetgo.

i really really really like alexa chung like it's ACTUALLY a problem. these are the foolish reasons why, actually they're not that foolish.

3. I LIKE HER FACE because it's fun to look at.
i know u enjoyed it.
i think she had a show on MTV idk if it airs anymore butttttt i didn't watch it sooooo it probably wasn't that good. (jk)


Other thing that i've been obsessed with for a while is it's basically random losers from all over the world who are obssessed with fashion and decide to take awkwardly cute pictures of themselves. So you can get like hypes and stuff if people like your outfits and if you have a lot of hypes then you're a lucky bitch. So i feel like now would be an approppiate time to show you some even though you already looked at the picture, like, i know you did. So maybe i should not introduce the picture or explain it because maybe you don't care, which is the reason why you decided to look at the picture before reading this extensive growing and unnecessary description, don't you love this, how I'm not explaining the picture and talking to you even though i have know idea that your reading this, I'm probably watching squirrels right now. kay i'm done being weird. 

THIS IS ZAINA G., she's from Georgia but is NIGERIAN. as
 am i. and CAMEROONIAN TOO. anyways zaina is super cool

 cuz she can name almost all the people in my collage that's on facebook and  we have minor arguments about whether paris or new york is prettier. but she's actually SO fucking PRETTY. and we're also like kinda pen pals although she hasn't approved to this and i've never met her before like in real life and the point of this banter is showing you the coolness of lookbook now let's look at a boyyy.

oh so this is thanja and he's just a super cool kid because he likes to get mad at me for asking him if he's hot, but he does it to everyone anywayyyss this another picture on lookbook (that needs more hypes, if you're like WTF IS A HYPE? then maybe you don't have good READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS because i did refer to it earlier in this blog thing that i'm doing, so. i like this picture because if you stand five-seven feet away from it, it kind of looks like its his whole body, at least to me it does... and he looks so cute in the top picture like a squirrel!!! but i'm pretty shurr u get the point now about how people who use lookbook have to have decent faces and pretty wardrobes. 

like ZAINA AND THANJA. btw, if u liked her face then maybe you'll like zaina's blog which is  and i thanja doesn't have one but he's a kick ass photographer so become a fan of his photography on facebook or click this link...
so if you had the patience to read this whole thing, well then 
good for you but uhm i'm pretty sure i'm done here soooo until the next time that i get bored enough to blog i think i'm gonna start work now because i should've an hour ago. 


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